Ephesians 1:12 - That we should be to the praise of his glory…

What you can expect to find here at Wasatch Front Baptist Church


Real People. We, as real people who love the Lord, will be the first to admit that we are far from perfect. We are real men and real women living real lives. We pretend to be nothing more than those who have realized their need for the grace and love of God, and enjoy serving the Lord together, and helping each other through the pleasures and pains that life inevitably brings. The Lord has been so abundantly good to us, and so overwhelmingly faithful, that we cannot but endeavor to serve him. He gave his all for us, and for that reason we pray for the knowledge and courage to give our all to him.

Real Preaching. We center our services around the preaching from the Word of God with no apologies. We ourselves have never changed anyone’s life for the better with platitudes and stories, but the Bible has changed many lives for the better. In fact, we believe that changing people’s lives is the exact business of the Bible, and it is through the preaching of the Bible to which we attribute all success. For this reason, you can expect us to focus our gatherings around the preaching of God’s Word.

Real Music. In a day and age of everything becoming much less formal and proper and much more common and comfortable, music has paid a high price. You can expect the music at Wasatch Front Baptist Church to be heavily focused on glorifying God, and not so much on drawing attention to ourselves. Real music played on real instruments by real musicians…and that’s it. 

Real Prayer. The Bible says: “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:6 You can expect to find people here at Wasatch Front Baptist Church who believe in prayer, and because of that belief, our lives as well as our services revolve around earnest prayer to our Heavenly Father.

Real Help. We live in the information age. Never in the history of humanity have men and women had more access to knowledge, and yet at the same time, had so little access to wisdom. With any little bit of information, no further away than the search engine app on the phone in our pocket, we know all there is to know about facts, and yet nothing about how to help ourselves, much more anyone else. You can expect to find true help at Wasatch Front Baptist Church concerning matters of the heart and soul. Not because we are anything special, but rather because we know and trust the very special living God of heaven. All the knowledge in the world is worthless without having the wisdom of application, and the God we serve is very good at application. 

The Real God. This, I will let the LORD show you for yourself.

My name is Pastor Nolan Ruby, and I look forward to seeing you here.